A true story of at least a decade-long corruption and persecution and justice unmet. It is a story that needs to be told.
" At the time of writing, my family and I are still awaiting a favorable outcome in our asylum case. The path has been riddled with hurdles, and our struggle against political repression persists. We are up against a coalition of individuals and entities with vested interests in the money stolen from us—a reality that has fueled harassment, destabilization, and unrelenting attacks on our peace."
ABOUT THE WRITER: I am a UX designer and I had this while vision of what my life and career would be like. I was the type pf person who told myself that I would work hard now and I'll have my rewards later on. In the meantime, I had goals to accomplish. These goals seemed to be thrwn off course because the trials we were experiencing made me question myself, who I was, if I was even valueable in society. But I oved what I did, so I kept on "working" and learning even if it didn't pay me. I hoped that eventually, it would. I hoped I would get employed soon and everything would be back to normal in no time bacse that's just the type of people we were. I woud soon learn that it was not that simple. My patience was tested beyond what I imagined.
In 2021, I started delving into the documents that we submitted as evidence to the Department of Justice. I was shocked to find so many coincidences and things that didn't add up. Previously, I thought it was my mother's case, her business and that she'd figure it out and it would work out for us. I had no idea what we were up against. It didn't occur to me (until the relentless surveillance everywhere we went) that our political neutraility would potentially be stepping on toes that would continue to put a target on us. Since then, the discoveries never stopped. Sometimes, they're exposed to us unexpectedly. I keep thinking that it's behind us. But it won't be behind us until we nip it in the bud even at this stage. So, this would be my 'torture stake' and this book is my testimony.
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